Here’s an update from the person who originally asked about the astrological factors involved in his athletic talent, and a new question. Original post is here.
Birth chart: Giovanne
Placidus houses, true node
Source of birth information: Mother’s memory
Sadly, coronavirus has put football on hold at the moment and I'm still waiting for the time everything will be open. I think the only thing from your reading I do not personally agree with is me already being at the peak of my abilities as I believe I have a lot of room for improvement.
I, however, have a second career option in mind to go along with football which comes from my hobby of gaming. I was wondering if a career in streaming games live as an entertainer and in general being an internet personality is apparent in my chart, as I feel I can get a lot of types of people drawn to me and I'm usually unaware of such impact until I get told I leave it. - Giovanne
Thank you for telling me you disagree. Astrologers are not always right! Interpreting a chart is an art, not an exact science. If you still want to play football (aka soccer) when the opportunity comes again, and feel you can greatly improve your skills, by all means do.
Regarding your second career option, it’s no accident that you want to be an entertainer, and no accident that you used the word “personality” to describe your ambition. Leo, which is both your rising sign and your Moon sign, is personality personified. It’s the sign of the entertainer. The performer. It’s only natural if you’re drawn to entertain, perform, and let your personality shine. Whether a performer in sports, on the internet, or through any other medium, a performer you must naturally be.
It’s also natural that you draw people to you and leave a strong impression. Both Venus and Pluto are trine your ascendant, remember. The ascendant is the face you show to the world, how you meet people, what people see when they meet you. Venus is likability, attractiveness. What do people find attractive about you? What do they like about you? What or who do you yourself find attractive? What fulfills your aesthetic sensibilities, and how do you fulfill other people’s? Venus poses, and answers, those questions. When it’s trine the ascendant, Venus’s attractiveness seamlessly joins forces with the face you show the world. That can be a factor in you being especially attractive to others.
Pluto intensifies this greatly. Referring back to my answer to your first question:
Pluto is a whole other topic. Due to space constraints, I won’t say much about it, but Pluto in a natal chart has everything to do with the native’s relationship to power. I expect you wield a lot of power, probably unconsciously: your Pluto forms mostly easy aspects (trines to your Venus and ascendant) and is conjunct your south node... south node represents deeply unconscious ways of being and expectations you brought into this life.
This time, Pluto is directly relevant to the question, so I have more room to address it. Pluto trine your ascendant adds power and magnetism to your persona. The trine aspect makes it an attractive energy: people are likely to be very powerfully drawn to you, with no effort on your part and not always any conscious attraction on theirs (whether or not they personally like you, they certainly are drawn to you!). Any aspect between Pluto and the ascendant often signifies a person who leaves a very strong impression on others, one way or another, and does so unconsciously, not aware of it unless told so, as you describe. When the aspect is a trine, it’s apt to be an especially positive impression. All kinds of people are indeed drawn to you.
Pluto also being trine your Venus, and Venus also being trine your ascendant, adds likeability to your magnetism. Not only are people drawn to you, I expect they nearly always like you.
That gives you a lot of social power. You can very easily, and strongly, influence people. More likely than not, you take it for granted: Pluto on your south node indicates that this is something you are thoroughly accustomed to. If you believe in past lives, we could say you’ve had many lifetimes of wielding great power, so many that it’s fused into your soul. Or we could simply say that it’s an innate gift you have. And perhaps a challenge: people who wield lots of power effortlessly can be tempted to misuse it, and can be blind to the perspectives and needs of others who don’t wield so much power so easily. Issues around power, learning to see it, and learning to use it wisely, may be recurring and key life lessons.
Because Venus rules your midheaven, all this magnetism and likeability influences your career and your public image. It’s a great asset for becoming a personality, internet or otherwise.
Your chart also suggests a far reaching, international career. Venus is in the ninth house of foreign travel, foreigners, foreign languages, and in mutual reception by sign with Mars, which rules your ninth house. Pluto in Sagittarius being part of the picture reinforces that image.
Perhaps you’ll be an internet personality with an international reach. Perhaps you’ll travel a lot for your work, whether it’s as a sports star or an entertainer or anything else.
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